Molinos Family
When Vicky wanted a beach shoot I expressed how the earlier the more amazing your photos will be ( this time of year the sun is harsh and up earlier) I didnt think she would manage uit but she got all 3 kids up and at their favoiruite beach by 5:20! Impressed! but also so worth it, both the beach and then their favourite park amazing at this early hour. Plus it meant I could get them back into bed by 7am ha ha
Such a lovely family, you can feel their closeness in these photos
Byra Family session ~ Duncraig
Another lovely extended family shoot taking advantage of the Christmas and new year break! The lovely Byra family wanted a nice green park. Lots of gorgeous grandkids to capture too
O'Keefe family session ~ Watermans bay
The Christmas season brings all the extended family togethere so in this time what better time to do an extended family session with all the siblings together. So between the Christmas and New year break it was lovely to have met the O’Keefe Family
Pisano~ extended family Kings park
I love seeing families again years later. I photographed peters baptism when he was very young. Now he’s an adorable toddler and with his big brother Enzo what a cute Family they make!
With This lovely family leaving to the UK w3hat better time to squeeze in an extended family session before they go!
Hace Family~Beach shoot
A gorgeous Family and one of the cutest little pups ever! Piper stole the show as well as the impressive sunset we got on a rare calm November night
Street maternity shoot ~Iluka beach
I love when I do maternity and newborn combined shoots. I get to meet the family before the new bub comes. Casey is excited to be a big sister and her little giggle through this shoot was utterly adorable
Henry Sitter baby session
Such a cutie! I love sitter sessions but I don’t do enough of them! I find most people Get a newborn session then nothing till they are older or if they miss that newborn time they don’t think about capturing them at that sitting before crawling stage.
Its such a cute session and you able to get all those gorgeous expressions and personality. Little Henry had the cutest cheeky smile
Eva~ Newborn portrait
More than anything I love seeing my clients again. They start to feel part of the family. Well I first met Zoe and Jason back for their wedding years ago and then again for the birth of their son Connor
So I was so happy to get the call that they were expecting a new little arrival. How sweet Little Eva is too .
Andrews Family ~ Kings park
The light in may is so beautiful, only outdone by the smiles of these 2 boys! Before the shoot mum Kylie told me that Deacon & Bailey might take a while to warm up. But pretty quickly we got to chatting about what the best dinosaur and what they look like stomping around.
What a pleasure it was to capture this gorgeous family
Lambie Family
Oh May one of my favourite times to photograph , in particular the beach! and we got one of the most stunning nights too! Only topped but the gorgeousness of Sofia & Georgia!
Jansen Family portrait
Easter is a lovely time when families get together. On Good Friday I got to meet the Jansen family. The last time they were all together was 6 years ago. So it was a Perfect time to capture them all together at their gorgeous property.
Having 7 siblings you can imagine how big and great Christmas must be. If my memory serves me they told me just their partners and all the kids there is over 70 people!
Sienna ~ Newborn shoot
Oh Little Sienna, what a joy it was to photograph you and your family. I now know this lovely family so well I can’t wait till November when i get to see them get married
Xavier~ Family beach shoot
There are 2 things I love to do for family shoots , go to a beautiful location and pick a location that means something to the family and I love the beach this time of year!
At Sunset we went down to the Whitfords dog beach that the Henderson love to spend their time to photograph Little Xavier’s photo shoot.
Storm is one of my oldest friends.n it makes it more special ( and nerve wrecking ) to photograph friend but I love it
Amanda, David and Luca ~Maternity shoot
What a fun filled shoot. Little Luca is your typical toddler and a runner. so there was lots of playing to get his to stay still while Dad David ran after him ha ha
Amanda makes the most beautiful pregnant woman. I cant wait to meet bub
Cam, Dave and stormy
Sunset, laughs and a gorgeous dog named Stormy. what more could I ask for. Watch out for the part where Cam was chasing the waves but it caught up with her
Lots of fun!
Ethan Newborn ~ Lifestyle session
A Different kind of newborn shoot that I loved. A bit of a “day in the life” capturing a family welcoming and loving their newest member . Unposed and natural.
Here a few of my favorites from the shoot
Vinci Family Session ~ Uwa Crawley
What a lovely Family with such polite boys. Little Sarah is a bubbly 2 year old who loved to run around. Trying to get her to sit still we had to use a bit of bribery ha ha. Isn’t she such a cutie!
Cousin's maternity Session
Anthea is my Gorgeous Mother’s group friend, we bonded over babies that wouldn’t sleep. Now privileged to call her my friend and honored to capture this next step. 4 about to become 5, and we are still taking guesses on whether its a girl or a boy.
Strickland Family ~ Perry's Paddocks
Catching the golden light with this lovely family! We even had the grandparent along for the start of the shoot. 2 adorable Boys who love to play and have fun with their mum and dad , A pleasure to capture